Name of the Wind

Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.

One of my best friends recommended “The Name of the Wind” to me. She said it was good and that I will like it. She was spot on! I really enjoyed this book. I couldn’t wait to get home from work every night to read it. Now if you haven’t read the book yet, you won’t fully understand my feelings on the end (so you should go read it!) and if you have read it and still don’t understand my feelings, well please explain to my why it was a good ending? Besides that it got me to buy and want to read the second book. I know that much already.

I did not appreciate the ending. Around page 500 I started thinking there wasn’t enough pages left to get through all the questions I wanted answered. I was right, unfortunately. The ending kind of felt rushed to me. I understand that the book ended when the first day ended of story telling but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

The book overall though was great. I was a little slow getting into it in the beginning but once I figured out what was going on I could barely put the book down. I stayed up till 2am every night reading it. Right after I finished I went to Barns and Nobel website and bought the second book “The Wise Man’s Fear”. I haven’t started it yet but I will this weekend.

Let me know what you think of this book! :) Happy Reading!

Lucky Number 7

Friday is here at last! This week has dragged on. The time change has me all messed up. Here are the links that got me through the week.

1. Bucket List for before you turn 25!

2. Diversify your income streams.

3. Needed tips on foundation.

4. Love these beach bag essentials for Spring Break!

5. Have to be a good friend to have good friends.

6. Road trip to see waterfalls!

7. DIY Mimosa’s caddy. Want!

Have a great weekend!

Lucky Number 7

Luckily the weekend is finally here! Here are the links that got me through this week.

1. Could totally go for a Strawberry Margarita right now!

2. Loving this bag right now.

3. If you need some help choosing a new pink drug store lipstick check this out.

4. Tips on how to pursue your passions while working full time.

5. One stop shop for DIY crafts.

6. Looking for ways to save for travel?

7. Tips on wedding registry etiquette.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward on Sunday!

The Best Chocolate Cake Ever!

Pinterest is where I find most of the recipes I use and it is exactly where I found this recipe for the Best Chocolate Cake Ever! I have made a variation of the 2 layered cake for my family, friends and most of my coworkers. Everyone loves it! So if you need a big hit dessert this is it.

Assembling the cake.
Assembling the cake.
The whole cake before it was demolished.
The whole cake before it was demolished.
A view of the layers.
A view of the layers.
A slice of heaven!
A slice of heaven!

This cake is so good I will be using this recipe for my wedding cake!

Do you have any favorite chocolate cake recipes?